Relationships and Sex Education

Catholic Education is an education of the ‘whole person.’ Our mission is to support the development of all our pupils spiritually, morally, socially and ethically which is rooted in the teachings of Jesus and the Catholic Church. The education of children in human sexuality is an important, precious and privileged responsibility. Teaching healthy relationships is an essential part in the formation of the ‘whole person’. The Catholic Church teaches us that this is very much a partnership with parents, in which parents are the ‘first educators’ of their children on these matters; ultimately, you confer on us the right to co-educate your children with you.

Our RSE curriculum is based on three key themes:

  • Created and loved by God
  • Created to love others
  • Created to live in community

This is delivered via Religious Education, Science, Health & Wellbeing, the school nurse and bespoke PSE lessons using Ten Ten resources approved by the Archdiocese of Cardiff and the Catholic Education Service.

Ten Ten is an award-winning Catholic educational organisation that is well respected and very experienced in this field of work. It produces the resources, ‘Life to the Full.’

Our Relationships and Sex Education policy can be found on our website under the ‘School Policies’ page and our school contact is Mr P Moriarty, Deputy Headteacher.

KS3 Support

KS3 Support

To Support Key Stage 3 Learners alongside their work on Google Classroom pupils may choose to access this site for additional help

KS3 BBC Bitesize

In addition here is a list of sites parents may find useful when working with children at home

Resources to support remote learning:-


Hwb –

Biology –

Free activities at home –

English – Young Writers competition –

Home learning –

Science —

Physics –

Khan Academy – http://www.khan

Especially good for maths and computing for all ages but other subjects at Secondary level. Note this uses the US grade system but it’s mostly common material.

BBC Learning –

This site is old and no longer updated and yet there’s so much still available, from language learning to BBC Bitesize for revision.  No TV licence required except for content on BBC iPlayer.

Futurelearn –

Free to access 100s of courses, only pay to upgrade if you need a certificate in your name (own account from 14+ but younger learners can use a parent account)

Seneca –

For those revising for GCSE or A Level.  Tons of free revision content.  Paid access to higher level material.

Openlearn –

Free taster courses aimed at those considering Open University but everyone can access it. Adult level, but some eg nature and environment courses could well be of interest to young people.

Blockly –

Learn computer programming skills-fun and free

Scratch –

Creative computer programming

Ted Ed –

All sorts of engaging educational videos

National Geographic Kids –

Activities and quizzes for younger kids.

Duolingo –

Learn languages for free.  Web or app.

Mystery Science –

Free science lessons

The Kids Should See This –

Wide range of cool educational videos

Crash Course –

You Tube videos on many subjects

Crash Course Kids –

As above for a younger audience

Crest Awards –

Science awards you can complete at home

iDEA Awards –

Digital enterprise award scheme you can complete online

Paw Print Badges –

Free challenge packs and other downloads.  Many activities can be completed indoors.  Badges cost but are optional

Tinkercad –

all kinds of making.

Prodigy Maths –

Is in US grades, but good for UK primary age.

Cbeebies Radio –

Listening activities for the younger ones.

Nature Detectives –

A lot of these can be done in a garden, or if you can get to a remote forest.

British Council –

Resources for English language learning

Oxford Owl for home –

Lots of free resources for primary age.

Big History Project –

Aimed at Secondary age.  Multi disciplinary activities

Geography Games –

Geography gaming

The Artful Parent – facebook / artfulparent

Good free art activities

Numeracy Shed –

A range of videos and resources for mathematics

Literacy Shed –

A range of videos and resources for literacy

KS3 National Testing

All pupils in Key stage 3 across Wales are required to complete National Tests in Literacy and Numeracy each year.

Pupils at St Illtyd's will complete these tests through the Online Personalised formats through Hwb:

Pupils may sit these tests at any point in the Autumn and Summer terms. Further details will be provided to parents once this has been arranged.

If you have any questions please contact your child's Head of Year.


Extra Curricular Activities

At St Illtyd’s pupil’s have the opportunity to take part in numerous extra curricular activities. Here is a selection of photos of some of them.

KS4 Revision Support

GCSE Revision

To help with the process of preparing for exams, the tables below provide links to a range of revision materials including: a walk through each course, clear knowledge organisers, revision support from WJEC and links to past papers.

If you require any further support with revision, please message your subject teacher via ClassCharts.



Language Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​Past Papers
Exam walk through – English Literature English Literature Knowledge Organiser

WJEC English Literature

​Hwb English Literature resources

English Literature Past papers
Exam walk through – English Language English Language Knowledge Organiser WJEC English Language

​Hwb English Language resources
English Language past papers
Welsh ​Exam walk though – Welsh Welsh Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Welsh

​Hwb Welsh Resources

Welsh past papers



Tanio Knowledge Organisers Past Papers past papers

​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
Science Tanio Revision Biology Knowledge OrganiserChemistry Knowledge OrganiserPhysics Knowledge Organiser ​WJEC Science Double Award Past Papers


Expressive Arts 

​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
​Drama ​Exam and NEA walk through Drama Drama Knowledge Organiser WJEC Drama Drama Past Papers
Music Exam and NEA walk through Music Music Knowledge Organiser WJEC MusicHwb Music Resources Music Past Papers
Performing Arts Pearson course materials X X X


Arts, Design and Technology

​Subject Walk through the course / resources Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
Art Exam and NEA walk through – Art Art Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Art and Design

Hwb Art Resource

Art past papers
Digital Technology Video resources Digital Technology Organiser WJEC Digital Technology X
​Design Technology Exam walk through – Design Technology Design Technology Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Design Technology

​Hwb Design Technology resources

​Design Technology past papers




Walk through the course

Knowledge Organisers

Revision Support ​

Past Papers


 Exam walk through – Geography

Geography Knowledge Organiser 

WJEC Geography

​ Hwb Geography resources

Geography past papers


 Exam walk through – History

Unit 1 History Knowledge Organiser

Unit 2 History Knowledge Organiser

​Unit 3 History Knowledge Organiser

WJEC History

​ History resources

​History past papers

Religious Education

 Exam walk through – RE

Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Religious Studies

Religious Studies  past papers


Social Sciences 

​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
Media Studies Exam walk through – Media Studies Media Studies Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Media Studies

​Hwb Media resources

​Media Studies past papers
Health & Social Care  Exam and NEA walk through – Health and Social Care Health and Social Care Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Health and Social Care

Human Development

Physical, social, emotional and intellectual health

The importance of active participationEarly Intervention and Prevention

​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
Business Exam walk through – Business Business Knowledge Organiser

WJEC Business

Hwb Business resources

​Business Studies past papers
​Computer Science Exam walk through – Computer Science Computer Science Knowledge Organiser WJEC Computer Science

​Hwb Computer Science resources
Computer Science past papers
Physical Education
​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
PE Exam and NEA walk through – PE PE Knowledge Organiser


​Hwb PE Resources

Minimums Sheet 1
Minimums Sheet 2
Minimums Sheet 3
Minimums Sheet 4
Minimums Sheet 5
Minimums Sheet 6

Physical Education past papers
​Subject Walk through the course Knowledge Organisers Revision Support ​ Past Papers
Mathmatics Exam walk through – Maths

Maths Knowledge Organiser – Statistics

Maths Knowledge Organiser – Number

Maths Knowledge Organiser – Geometry and measure

​Maths Knowledge Organiser – Algebra

WJEC Mathematics

​ Hwb Maths Resources

​Mathematics past papers
Welsh Baccalaureate
​Subject Revision Support
Welsh Baccalaureate WJEC Welsh Baccalaureate
Work Related  Education
​Subject Support
​Work Related Education Link to Course
Level 2 Diversity & Equality (NCFE)
​Subject Support
Equality and Diversity Link to Course