Welcome to the spiritual section of our website. We aim to offer our pupils a range of opportunities for worship as well as frequent masses. We have regular assemblies and class prayer. Mass is celebrated as often as we are able and at important times of the liturgical year. We also provide services of reconciliation.
This section will provide you with an insight into our faith community and all that we do to to develop our pupil`s relationship with God. It is our core purpose and the reason that St Illtyd`s exists at all.
St Illtyd’s is a Catholic school with RE and spirituality at its core.

The mission of St Illtyd’s is to be a fully inclusive Catholic School where every person is valued and respected for who they are. We aim to educate our pupils in the wholeness of mind, body and spirit through the teachings of Jesus Christ.

St Illtyd’s offers the opportunities to fulfil this through:

• Dedicated RE lessons to develop pupils knowledge and understanding of the Bible and Church teachings
• Daily acts of worship – assembly and form time
• Regular form and year group Mass
• Working with partner primaries and parishes to promote unity and community values
• Develop awareness of the needs of the poor and oppressed
• Offer the opportunities to raise funds for local and international charities

‘Whoever welcomes one such child in my name welcomes me.’
(Matthew 18:5)