
‘You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your strength and with all your mind, and your neighbour as yourself.’
Luke 10:27

When instructing an inspection, the Archbishop is ‘exercising his pastoral function as shepherd of his schools, helping them to live up to the mission of leading all people to love God with all their mind (religious education), with all their heart, soul and strength (collective worship) and love their neighbour as themselves (Catholic life and mission)’
(Handbook: Catholic Schools Inspectorate)



The purpose of an inspection is to report to and advise the Archbishop on the quality of the
• Catholic life and mission of the school
• Religious Education
• Collective Worship
This also stands to inform parents, governors and the wider Catholic community.
Inspectors will:
• Observe RE lessons and acts of worship
• Talk to pupils and staff
• Look at exercise books and assessments
• Analyse data
• Seek the views of parents / carers
The inspection culminates in a written report which will be placed on the school and diocesan websites and will be sent to parents / carers.

If you have any questions / queries regarding a Section 50 inspection please contact Mr Moriarty (Deputy Headteacher) at the school.