Chaplaincy Team



Lord Mayor's Charity Guide Dogs Cymru

Open Evening 2023

Our Primary School Community

Rumney Forum

St Vincent de Paul Centre

Religious Education Department

The Religious Education department at St Illtyd’s Catholic High School has five qualified RE specialist teachers.

There are five dedicated fully resourced RE rooms situated in the Humanities corridor.

Pupils at St Illtyd’s have at least 10% of curriculum time dedicated to Religious Education.
Pupils study the following:
Key Stage 3
Year 7: Since September 2023 – The Religious Education Directory
Year 8: From April 2024 – The Religious Education Directory
Year 9: ICONS scheme

Key Stage 4
Year 10: WJEC GCSE Unit 1 – Catholic Christianity and Judaism
Year 11: WJEC GCSE Unit 3 – Catholic Christianity and religious responses to ethical themes.

Religious Education is the “core of the core curriculum” in a Catholic school. (Pope St John Paul II).
Placing RE at the core of the curriculum in Catholic schools helps the school to fulfil its mission to educate the whole person in discerning the meaning of their existence. (Catholic Education Service)

Who’s Who
Mr D Brown Head of (Religious Education)
Miss Z Jones – (Religious Education Directory co-ordinator)
Mr D Evans
Mrs C Pocknell
Miss C Mills

Catholic Life and Mission

St. Illtyd’s Catholic High School is a vibrant educational community where faith and learning intersect. Our mission is rooted in Gospel values of respect, care, compassion, and love. As a Catholic school, we believe that each individual has the potential to discover, develop, and achieve their fullest capabilities. Guided by the teachings of Jesus Christ, we foster positive relationships and nurture the whole person—mind, body, and spirit. At St. Illtyd’s, we celebrate our rich history while embracing an exciting future. “Together in Christ, we make a difference”.

Youth Action Group

Lenten Challenge

St Illtyd’s staff and pupils are taking on the challenge of walking 200km as a school during Lent to raise money for CAFOD. They will be covering the distance during PE Lessons as well as other activities during school time.

Please sponsor us by following the link to our school fundraising page.

The Big Lent Walk

We are taking on the Big Lent Walk! 200km in 40 days throughout Lent. Staff and Pupils willl be working with the PE department for The Big Walk by tracking any walks/runs completed in PE lessons or ou

Relationships and Sex Education

Catholic Education is an education of the ‘whole person.’ Our mission is to support the development of all our pupils spiritually, morally, socially and ethically which is rooted in the teachings of Jesus and the Catholic Church. The education of children in human sexuality is an important, precious and privileged responsibility. Teaching healthy relationships is an essential part in the formation of the ‘whole person’. The Catholic Church teaches us that this is very much a partnership with parents, in which parents are the ‘first educators’ of their children on these matters; ultimately, you confer on us the right to co-educate your children with you.

Our RSE curriculum is based on three key themes:

  • Created and loved by God
  • Created to love others
  • Created to live in community

This is delivered via Religious Education, Science, Health & Wellbeing, the school nurse and bespoke PSE lessons using Ten Ten resources approved by the Archdiocese of Cardiff and the Catholic Education Service.

Ten Ten is an award-winning Catholic educational organisation that is well respected and very experienced in this field of work. It produces the resources, ‘Life to the Full.’

Our Relationships and Sex Education policy can be found on our website under the ‘School Policies’ page and our school contact is Mr P Moriarty, Deputy Headteacher.

Centenary Mass

Centenary celebrations

St Illtyds Catholic High School marks its centenary this year and began doing so with a Mass at St Albans Catholic Church in Splott, Cardiff. St Albans was the local church closest to the schools original site and all were made welcome by Father Sebastian and the Oratory.

Archbishop Mark O`Toole was the main celebrant but he was also joined by fellow priests, many of whom were themselves Old Illtydians. It was a wonderful opportunity for all past pupils and staff to share their own memories of the school and suffice to say a lot has changed.

We were delighted that Brother Michael and brother Ben could join us. Brother Ben spoke of his own time and memories of St Illtyd`s and this was a theme carried on the next day at the school itself where Mass was celebrated by Archbishop George Stack and Father Brian Grey, Chair of governors and father Sebastian. We were also joined by Headteacher Mrs Hart and pupils from St John Lloyd.The mass took place in the Chapel which was a part of the Brothers lodgings when they were ever present in the school. 

It was great to have brother Michael and brother Ben with us. They helped to reinforce our rich history and association with lasallian education and we hope it is the first visit of many as the centenary celebrations continue.